Mindsets are a set of mental attitudes to be shifted toward. These can provide support in traversing the Orthodoxies identified in the Equitable Evaluation Framework™.

A Mindset is an established set of mental attitudes held by someone. They play a significant role in how one interprets and responds to situations—whether consciously or unconsciously. Thoughtfully assessing and shifting mindsets allows one to fundamentally (and intentionally) change how they interpret and respond to situations. Examining and shifting mindsets offers an entry point for creativity, innovation, and opens up new pathways toward desired change.
An important note is the inclusion of the directionality moving from an existing mindset toward a new mindset. The aim here is to surface ongoing movement, potential, and expansion through continual practice.

from Doing toward Being
How might you pause, invite reflection, question urgency?
How might you move from transactional toward relational?
What are the ways in which tendency towards action/reacting impedes responding?

from Scarcity toward Abundance
What might be possible?
How might you seek entry points and realign resources?
What/where are the assets, joy, and potential?

from Fixed toward Growth*
What do you need to unlearn? Learn?
What might you try, play with, pilot?
How might you allow for complexity to unfold and emerge?

from Rigidity toward Fluidity
How might unsettling and setbacks allow space to create new ideas?
How might you invite flexibility (in timelines, strategy, etc.) to allow emergence?
How might you release the need for certainty and invite creativity and innovation?

from Binary toward Multiplicity
What might be possible when you release “either/or” thinking and embrace “both/and”?
How might you explore different perspectives and options to expand ways of knowing?
How might you allow for diversity of opinion, contexts, social locations, backgrounds, etc. to inform your thinking?

from Extraction toward Offering
How might you transform ways of engaging that extract intellectual property/ownership toward reciprocal processes?
How might you disentangle our expectations that partners owe (data, participation, etc.) as uncompensated?
How might you move into relationship with partners, and create opportunities and access?

from Participatory toward Reciprocity
How might you step into conversation that acknowledges interdependence?
How might you co-create accountability and allow for mutual benefit?
How might relationship, trust, and shared understanding be fostered?

from Revolutionary toward Evolutionary**
How might you allow movement and progression in alignment over time?
What if you allow ample time, space, and support needed to bring folks alongside?
What if you understand and accept that small changes over time sustained can lead to sustainable change?

from “All or Nothing” toward Possibilities
How might you disrupt beliefs that unless everyone is on board we cannot move forward?
How might you open space for wonder, creativity, vulnerability, playfulness and courage?
What if you let go of old patterns, processes, policies and allow new ways of being, thinking, and doing?

from Judgment toward Curiosity
What if you let go of preconceived notions, expectations, and assumptions?
What might be possible when you invite conversation, connection, and shared sense-making?
How might you shift dynamics of power and “solving” toward puzzling together?
*Dweck, Carol S. Mindset. (2008). Ballantine Books.
**The Change Leader, Inc. Evolution vs. Revolution: Do You Know the Difference?