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Acknowledge, Attribute, Align, & Amplify*

Updated February 16, 2024


Acknowledging, attributing, aligning, and amplifying is as simple as naming the source of where information explicitly or implicitly comes from or is or is influenced by.  If you’re about to mention or share an idea that comes from EEI – including related to the Equitable Evaluation Framework™ (EEF) - then please acknowledge. Whether informal or formal, it must be explicit. Guidance is offered below. 

This work is foundational and emergent. We each have our own context and lens, and so the invitation is to think about these “four A’s” in that context.  Any time one shares knowledge outside of one’s own, it’s necessary to acknowledge and attribute where it comes from.  


Why is this important?


  • The Equitable Evaluation Initiative (EEI) seeks to seed and grow a field of Equitable Evaluation Framework™ (EEF) practitioners. Identity in a field is important.**  

  • Identity includes common language and referencing. Practicing the EEF means we are in partnership and relationship to advance the EEF as an emerging and recognized practice.


Why the trademark?


  • EEF trademarking does not in any way limit the HOW of practice but rather makes explicit what that practice should consider and aspire to reflect. 

  • EEI is based on the work of a Black woman-led enterprise. The evaluation field, like the United States, has historically relied on but failed to honor the expertise of Black people.*** EEI ensures identity is distinct and recognized. 

  • This body of work falls outside the Academy, a place which affords both Intellectual Property protections and practices. Because appropriation and extraction are more commonplace among some within the philanthropic ecosystem trademarking protects the integrity of the emergent practice.  


How to reference?



You are welcome to credit EEI, cite the EEF and the work that flows from this, including our EEF Practice Partner and Practitioner offerings (such as conferences, blogs, publications), as secondary data sourcing is also important.  


What's Okay


  • Naming EEI and/or the EEF as your inspiration on your website, podcast, article, blog post, etc. 

  • Sharing excerpts of materials/writings for non-commercial purposes, provided that you include proper attribution and the source link. 

  • Alignment of your commitments and values within the EEF Principles with acknowledgement.


Check with Us First


If you’re planning a workshop, presentation, guidebook, etc. around something related to—or inspired by—EEI and/or the EEF, check in with us first.  Especially if it’s something you plan to publish. This provides an opportunity for greater alignment with the EEF. Amplify our work alongside yours and your work alongside ours.


What's Not Okay


Appropriation, extraction, copying or lifting concepts, ideas, language; or creating work based on EEI concepts, including the EEF, without proper attribution. Unauthorized copy or use content for any commercial purpose or use. 


Please remember that we are here to help clarify, including if you’re curious if something you’ve done, or are considering, may fall under the “what’s not okay”. It’s possible to make shifts, even late ones, and be in conversation and relationship. 


Also, because this is emergent, folks come to us with a use of EEF we had not thought of, which is GREAT. Together we explore what makes sense. We have the opportunity to create different ways of honoring source in real time—praxis.


Questions? Feel free to email us at Really. 


We are curious about how this is all playing out in the field and welcome being in relationships with folks. 


* Many thanks to Lindsay Mack* for inspiring our AAAA framing and approach above and for Libby Smith for sharing as a reference for how we might do this. 


** Coffman, J. (2007a). Undated PowerPoint presentation of advocacy field building. Author’s personal archive. Copy in possession of author.

 The James Irvine Foundation. (2009). The Strong Field Framework.


*** Shanker, V. and De La Rosa Mateo, C. (2020). Why Is Evaluation So White? Center for Evaluation Innovation Evaluation Roundtable. MN IBPOC in Evaluation Community of Praxis: Minneapolis, MN.

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