It is an honor to witness and walk alongside these individuals and organizations, who co-created this expansion while in the practice. This is a collective offering of many hearts and minds. We are grateful for the willingness to explore new ways of being, thinking, and doing in the practice of the EEF. We acknowledge and attribute the expansion of the EEF to our Practitioners, Practice Partners, Pilot Participants, EEI Knowledge Curators, and EEF Coaches. Our gratitude and appreciation. We ask you to credit EEI and cite the EEF and the work that flows from EEF Practice Partner and Practitioner offerings (such as conferences, blogs, publications), to make it easier to join and trace the conversation about this work.*
EEF Practice Partners & Practitioners
EEF Practice Partners are individual institutions exploring the EEF through a a two-year practice experience. EEF Practitioners completed the two-year experience and continue to engage in practice alongside other individuals and organizations.
Akonadi Foundation | Michigan Fitness Foundation |
Barr Foundation | Minneapolis Foundation |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Missouri Foundation for Health |
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | Northwest Area Foundation |
Community Foundation of Snohomish County | Oregon Community Foundation |
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation | Rhode Island Foundation |
Democracy Fund | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation | Seattle Foundation |
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation | Silicon Valley Community Foundation |
GHR Foundation | Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation | Skoll Foundation |
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving | Stupski Foundation |
Health Forward Foundation | The Annie E. Casey Foundation |
Health Foundation for Western & Central New York | The California Endowment |
HealthSpark Foundation | The Colorado Health Foundation |
Heising-Simons Foundation | The Colorado Trust |
Kansas Health Foundation | The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven |
King County | The Greater Clark Foundation |
Los Altos Mountain View Community Foundation | The James Irvine Foundation |
Lumina Foundation | The Kresge Foundation |
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies | Tipping Point Community |
McKnight Foundation | William & Flora Hewlett Foundation |
See an interactive map of Practice Partners & Practitioners with contact information.
Consultant/Nonprofit/Public Sector Pilot Participants
C. Camman Evaluation | Omidyar Network |
Emergence Collective | PEAK Grantmaking |
Equal Measure | Project Evident |
Frey Evaluation, LLC | Proponents LLC |
Funders Together to End Homelessness | Southern California Grantmakers |
Hopelab | Spectrum Health Lakeland (a division of Spectrum Health) |
JLI Consulting | STEAM Workgroup |
NineFold | Terraluna Collaborative |
EEI Investment Partners
Investment Partners contribute financial resources to advance field-wide practice of the Equitable Evaluation Framework™.
Barr Foundation | National Philanthropic Trust |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
California Health Care Foundation | S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation |
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | San Francisco Foundation |
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation | Seattle Foundation |
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation | The California Endowment |
Ford Foundation | The David & Lucile Packard Foundation |
Fund for Shared Insight | The James Irvine Foundation |
Lumina Foundation | The Omidyar Group |
MacArthur Foundation | Walton Family Foundation |
McKnight Foundation | William & Flora Hewlett Foundation |
Become a Champion of the EEF.
Consultant & PSO Orthodoxies Advisors
Anna Salzman | Funders Together to End Homelessness |
Ciaran Camman | Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) |
Clare Nolan | Peak Grantmaking |
Cristina Whyte | Southern California Grantmakers |
Eve Weiss | |
Jessica Xiomara Garcia | |
Lauren Beriont | |
Nitya Venkateswaran | |
Pilar Mendoza | |
Veena Pankaj | |
EEI Knowledge Curators
Kerry McHugh
Linda W. Helstowski, MA
EEF Coaches
Matteah Spencer Reppart, MA
Rachel Mosher-Williams, MPA
Yen Chau, PhD
* Equitable Evaluation Initiative. (2023). Acknowledge, Attribute, Align, and Amplify.